globalisation :

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  • n  growth to a global or worldwide scale

  • Although it's hard to picture the self-styled champion of rural France as a reggae fan, anti-globalisation candidate Jos Bov has clearly taken to this tribute track, "Si j .
  • Those surveyed were asked whether the term "globalisation" brought to mind "something very positive, fairly positive, fairly negative or very negative.
  • I wish to know your thoughts on the future of globalisation and the approach western leaders will take to support it or deny it.
News & Articles


  • Robert Zoellick in
    This G-8 summit must bring hope to those without hope, food to those without food,Mr Zoellick said. "For globalisation to succeed...... it must be both inclusive and sustainable."
  • Gordon Brown in Reuters UK
    This, if we do nothing, will lead to a new form of protectionism, a retreat of globalisation and a reduction of trade and cross-border activity which will be followed quickly by the old trade protectionism of the past,Brown said. "This is...

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