geneva convention :

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geneva convention

  • n  an agreement first drawn up in Geneva in 1864 and later revised concerning the treatment of captured and wounded military personnel and civilians in wartime
News & Articles

  • Red Cross Wants Video Games To Get Real On War Crimes
    Host Scott Simon talks with Bernard Barrett of the Red Cross about the organization's push to have war-themed first person shooter games conform to the Geneva Convention.
    Oct. 12, 2013 - NPR
  • The Red Cross Wants Virtual War Crimes Punished In Video Games
    The agency apparently wants to change that in the virtual world too and is urging developers to punish gamers who violate the Geneva Convention. Killing civilians, torture, and killing medical personnel are some of the things the ICRC is taking umbrage with, and addressed in a statement.
    Oct. 8, 2013 - Business Insider
  • The Red Cross Would Like to See War Crimes Punished in Video Games
    When it comes to real life war crimes, the International Red Cross often finds itself with its hands tied. For example, the  organization has been hinting that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should face war crimes  for about two years now. The agency is now targeting the virtual world, urging developers to punish gamers who violate the Geneva Convention.        
    Oct. 8, 2013 - The Atlantic Wire

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