stereo :


“Stereo” refers properly to a means of reproducing sound in two or more discrete channels to create a solid, apparently three-dimensional sound. Because in the early days only fanciers of high fidelity (or hi-fi) equipment could afford stereophonic sound, “stereo” came to be used as a substitute for “high fidelity,” and even “record player.” Stereo equipment (for instance a cheap portable cassette player) is not necessarily high fidelity equipment. Visual technology creating a sense of depth by using two different lenses can also use the root “stereo” as in “stereoscope."

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  • n  reproducer in which two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three-dimensional effect to the sound
  • n  two photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together
  • s  designating sound transmission from two sources through two channels
News & Articles

  • 3D movie may have bettered man's sight
    Bruce Bridgeman says he experienced greater stereo vision after watching the film "Hugo."
    June 15, 2013 - CNN
  • Wired Space Photo of the Day: Martian North Pole
    The north polar ice cap of Mars, presented as a mosaic of 57 separate images from the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express. The ice cap spans approximately 1000 km and is seen here in polar stereographic projection. ...        
    June 14, 2013 - Wired News
  • In Utah, a 100-Mile Trek With a 4-Year-Old Boy
    Abe carries the author's son Bodi up Red Knob Pass in Utah. We roared across the Wyoming-Utah border at sunset; windows down, stereo cranked, muffler cracked. Behind the wheel was a well-tattooed, pierced 24-year-old.
    June 14, 2013 - New York Times