The original and still by far the most common spelling of this common bit of slang meaning “weakling, coward,” is “wimp.” If you use the much less common “whimp” instead people may regard you as a little wimpy.
n a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy
n a hypothetical subatomic particle of large mass that interacts weakly with ordinary matter through gravitation; postulated as a constituent of the dark matter of the universe
David Climer: UT's bad APR shows deeper troubles When Wimp Sanderson was coaching Alabama’s basketball team in the ’80s, he once was asked how many of his players graduated.
June 14, 2013 - Knoxville News Sentinel
Legislators look out for themselves Here our leaders were with opportunity knocking and they end up lining their own pockets with more cash and wimp out on a slim chance to move Wisconsin into a leading technology position.
June 13, 2013 -
Legislators look out for themselves Here our leaders were with opportunity knocking and they end up lining their own pockets with more cash and wimp out on a slim chance to move Wisconsin into a leading technology position.
June 13, 2013 -