The thing about quantum leaps is that they mark an abrupt change from one state to a distinctly different one, with no in-between transitional states being possible. It makes sense to use “quantum le…
<p>Question is a sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response. It entails having doubts, interrogating and enquiring for the process of acquiring information.</p><pre>"The d…
The term for a legal document relinquishing a legal claim to some property is a “quitclaim deed.” It is not a “quick claim,” and “quitclaim” is a single word.
This is probably caused by a slip of the fingers more often than by a slip of the mental gears, but one often sees “quite” (very) substituted for “quiet” (shhh!). This is one of those common errors y…
The examples below are set off in order to avoid confusion over the use of single and double quotation marks.There are many ways to go wrong with quotation marks. They are often used ironically:She r…
A passage doesn’t become a quote (or—better—“quotation”) until you’ve quoted it. The only time to refer to a “quote” is when you are referring to someone quoting something. When referring to the orig…