presently vs currently :

presently vs currently

presently or currently

Currently is used to refer to an action which now exists in a particular timeline.

"I am currently in Singapore."

Presently, on the other hand is used to refer to a future occurrence especially if it appears at the end of a clause.

"The wind is picking up, It will storm presently."

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  • r  in the near future
    she will arrive presently
  • r  at this time or period; now
    he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations

  • r  at this time or period; now
    currently they live in Connecticut
News & Articles

  • Seeking Jody Roberts Artwork
    I am presently working on cataloging artwork by Jody Roberts. Please, if you have anything that was from his talented hand, whether it be a cartoon or caricature from the bar, to one of his finer pen and ink or colorful paintings, contact me so that it can be included in his body of work.
    June 13, 2013 - Topanga Messenger
  • Potential Trade Packages and Scenarios to Shake Up LA Lakers Future
    The Los Angeles Lakers as presently constructed do not seem capable of contending for a title. This entails that perhaps the roster needs to be shaken up a little, and that typically involves trades. Dwight Howard ’s looming free agency holds things up a little given that his departure directly impact the Lakers’ needs going forward. For the sake of this exercise, we will assume that Mitch ...
    June 13, 2013 - Bleacher Report
  • Seeking Jody Roberts Artwork
    I am presently working on cataloging artwork by Jody Roberts. Please, if you have anything that was from his talented hand, whether it be a cartoon or caricature from the bar, to one of his finer pen and ink or colorful paintings, contact me so that it can be included in his body of work.
    June 13, 2013 - Topanga Messenger