born out of vs born of :

born out of or born of

Write “my love of dance was born of my viewing old Ginger Rogers-Fred Astaire movies,” not “born out of.” The latter expression is probably substituted because of confusion with the expression “borne out” as in “my concerns about having another office party were borne out when Mr. Peabody spilled his beer into the fax machine.” The only correct (if antiquated) use of “born out of” is in the phrase “born out of wedlock.”See also .

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News & Articles

  • Ill-timed 1950s Edsel cars still adored by auto enthusiasts
    How can one of the greatest marketing flops born out of the 1950s American auto industry be held in such high regard by so many to this day? Just ask Henry Klinger, 69, of Wiconisco, Pa., who drove his 1959 flash-red Edsel Ranger to Springfield this week to meet up with a clique of other vintage car hobbyists from all across the country.
    June 22, 2013 - The State Journal-Register

  • Thousands rock the roll at Duct TapeFestival
    Duct tape can fix anything, even a festival. Avon, Ohio is host to the 10th annual Duct Tape Festival this weekend and tens of thousands are attending for the crafty duct tape floats, costumes, parades and sculptures. Like many things involving duct tape, the festival's concept was a fix born of a crisis.Local resident Marty Noga, 46, a production supervisor at a nearby electric-motor plant, was ...
    June 16, 2013 - NBC NEWS