There are several words with Latin or Greek roots whose plural forms ending in A are constantly mistaken for singular ones. See, for instance, and and . it’s “this phenomenon,” but “these phenomena.”
NASA's Chandra Turns Up Black Hole Bonanza In Galaxy Next Door Twenty-Six Of The Phenomena Identified Over The Past 13 Years In Andromeda Using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have discovered an unprecedented bonanza of black holes in the Andromeda Galaxy, one of the nearest galaxies to the Milky Way. Using more than 150 Chandra observations, spread over 13 years, researchers identified 26 black hole candidates, the largest number to ...
June 16, 2013 - The Aero-News Network
The Daddy Matrix: Sugar, Warbucks, Leather, Puff When it comes to gender-charged debates and viral phenomena, fathers tend to get short shrift. This is either a blessing or a disappointment. Fathers rarely endure the pageantry of hate surrounding women like Tiger Mom, Tanning Mom, Dance Moms, and the Park Slope moms on Urban Baby. This reprieve must ... More »
June 14, 2013 - New York Magazine
Novelist Marra visited Chechnya only after writing about it 'A Constellation of Vital Phenomena,' the widely praised debut novel by 28-year-old Anthony Marra, a Stegner Fellow at Stanford, explores the chance interactions that occur during wars, he says, when 'people who would never meet are jumbled together.... It's structured as a constellation of characters, a map of those peculiar twists of coincidences and fate.'
June 13, 2013 - San Jose Mercury News
Health News: Going Nuts Over Nuttzo Butter Everyone is going crazy over Nuttzo Nut Butter! Instead of the almond butter phenomenon, which has since taken backstage, Nuttzo Butter stands strong and proud, replacing the ol' AB favorite. read more
June 16, 2013 -
Talk about democracy at Wellfleet Preservation Hall Craig S. Barnes, civil rights lawyer, author and commentator for National Public Radio, takes on “the extraordinary phenomenon of democracy” is his presentation, “The Good, the True and the Beautiful,” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, at Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 355 Main St. Admission is free. The evening is sponsored by Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill.
June 16, 2013 - The Cape Codder
Eyeball Licking Phenomenon Sweeping Japan Eyeball licking or ‘Worming’ is the latest craze among Japanese teenagers and kids. The technical term for this weird practice is Oculolinctus and involved holding ones eye open while another person licks it. The reported recently that the eyeball licking phenomenon sweeping Japan has had doctors worried, raising health concerns. reports that eyeball licking can have ...
June 15, 2013 - The Inquisitr