perogative vs prerogative :

perogative vs prerogative

perogative or prerogative

Prerogative is an inherited privilege or official right that one has over others. It is particularly related to monarchs and rulers' right to command, direct, rule and control.

"One could have thought it was Adam's prerogative to change Eve's mind."

Perogative is the misspelling of the above word and even most times remains its mispronunciation. It is not recognized in any dictionary as a variant of 'prerogative'.

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  • n  a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
    suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
News & Articles

  • Preston agency airs concerns about zoning rules
    Preston Redevelopment Agency members expressed concerns Wednesday that some zoning rules could discourage developers but the agency’s chairman affirmed the Planning and Zoning Commission’s perogative to make such regulations.
    June 13, 2013 - The Norwich Bulletin