memorium vs memoriam :

News & Articles

  • Amazon Uses James Gandolfini’s Death to Promote DVD Sales
    One could argue  that Amazon was eager to honor the very recent death of late Sopranos star James Gandolfini. That being said, paying dues to a celebrity-passing is one thing, but using it to bump up DVD sales is a whole other story. Amazon posted a tribute to Gandolfini on their Facebook page, but below his ‘in memorium,’ included a link to the Sopranos DVD purchase page on “Had the ...
    June 20, 2013 - Opposing Views

  • PwC venture capital chief passes away
    In memoriam: Tracy Lefteroff
    June 11, 2013 - CNN Money
  • In Memoriam – Samuelson
    In Loving Memory of Ryan Samuelson April 15, 1991 June 10, 2009 You are not forgotten Nor will you ever … The post In Memoriam – Samuelson appeared first on Sun Patriot .
    June 6, 2013 - Waconia Patriot
  • READER SUBMITTED: Connecticut Choral Society To Present Free Concert In Memory Of Newtown Victims
    In response to the tragedy and loss suffered by the people of Newtown, the Connecticut Choral Society is giving a Free concert, In Memoriam, open to the general public (not only those in Newtown) on Sunday, June 23, 7 p.m. at Trinity Church, 36 Main Street, Newtown. The New Jersey Choral Society, the Choir of Historic St. Malachy's Church, and the Keystone State Boychoir will also be ...
    June 6, 2013 - FOX CT Hartford