meantime vs meanwhile :

meantime or meanwhile

Although most authorities now consider these words interchangeable, some people still prefer to use “meanwhile” when it stands alone at the beginning of a sentence: “Meanwhile the dog buried the baby’s pacifier in the garden.” They prefer “meantime” to be used only in the expression “in the meantime”: “In the meantime, the dog chewed up my last tennis ball.”

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  • n  the time between one event, process, or period and another
  • r  during the intervening time
    meantime he was attentive to his other interests
    in the meantime the police were notified

  • n  the time between one event, process, or period and another
    meanwhile the socialists are running the government
  • r  at the same time but in another place
    meanwhile, back at the ranch...
  • r  during the intervening time
    meanwhile I will not think about the problem
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