Around friends, we slip back into regional accents we've spent years trying to exorcise - redneck recidivism - or embroider our speech with the kind of epic profanity more common to 19th century lobstermen.
And it's beginning to listen to McDonough's argument that lowering recidivism will save the state the hundreds of millions of dollars it's spending these days on new prisons.
The recidivism of al-Shihri, al-Ousi and the nine rearrested men suggests that the program needs some tinkering especially in the monitoring of those who are released into .
Chatham County jail work-release program tries to combat recidivism The Chatham County Sheriff's Office has entered into a partnership with community development corporation Promised Land to push forward a work-release program aimed at reducing recidivism.
June 15, 2013 - Savannah Morning News
Council endorses plan to reduce jail recidivism Council endorses plan to reduce jail recidivism by Mike Gorrell The Salt Lake Tribune Published Jun 13, 2013 03:31PM MDT Even knowing the project eventually will come with a fairly steep price tag, the Salt Lake County Council signaled its support Tuesday for a pilot program aimed at providing a select group of criminals with training that will keep them from returning to jail. The council voted ...
June 14, 2013 - The Salt Lake Tribune
County juvenile recidivism on par with state In a report released Tuesday by the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission, Luzerne County is in line with the state average recidivism rate for juveniles who are likely to commit a second crime.
June 13, 2013 - Times Leader
Judge M Margaret McKeown in Forbes The government's significant interests in identifying supervised releasees, preventing recidivism, and solving past crimes outweigh the diminished privacy interestsof convicted felons, McKeown wrote.
Bono in Washington Post Tracking criminals of this nature that have high recidivism rates will allow our officers to more efficiently investigate new offenses,Bono said Thursday.
Gary LaFree in Frontier India - News, Analysis, Opinion Initial results indicate that the programs can work, though probably not 100 percent of the time,LaFree adds. "Just as with regular criminals, individual and community supports help combat recidivism. But with terrorism and ideology...