rebus :

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ree buhs

  • n  a puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words

  • The form of puzzle known as the rebus is supposed to have originated in Picardy.
  • It is almost 30 years since his "combine" paintingsrebus-like assemblies of every imaginable waste object, from beach tar to stuffed chickens, from electric fans to auto .
  • He exhumes such trivia titans of yesteryear as John Timbs, the author of the 1856 best seller Things Not Generally Known, and Ruth Horowitz, the rebus-solving legend who dominated .

  • Ian Rankin in Scotsman
    He explained: "It was for a charity night at the Caledonian Brewery, and I decided to set it there. It features Rebus and Siobhan, and starts them on a brewery tour. Their guide tells them a ghost story, and this starts Rebus on yet another...

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