In unpacking this time capsule, Kurlansky did nothing to the entries save cull and collate misspellings and other errors abound, and woe to the reader tempted to put some of .
The two sets of sections are then run through machines that collate them into complete papers.
The Navy was experimenting with computer systems that would have enabled a ship to collate data from many sensors, including satellites, airplanes and other ships.
CRMnext Introduces Advance Competitor Analysis to Enhance Strategy Planning and Execution CRMnext introduces advance Competitor Analysis for increasing win ratios and gaining critical insights from deals lost to rivals. New competitor analysis functionality helps to collate all vital information related to competitors and their products on CRMnext for quick and easy access. (PRWeb June 12, 2013) Read the full story at ...
June 12, 2013 - PRWeb
Goodluck Jonathan in Vanguard I deplore such sentiments. We expect everyone living or working in, or visiting the UK, whatever their status, to observe our laws and regulations. The Home Office will now seek to collate full information on the alleged comments so that a review... Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett The Moscow Times Apr 15, 2007
19410 27156 collate Dr. Jonathan said in view of the extensive work done by existing commissions on the Niger Delta region in the past, members of the Technical Committee should collate, review and distill the various reports, suggestions and recommendations' from...
Joe Barton in Marketing Vox News I understand the need to collate information. I just don't think it should be done without my permission,Barton stated last week at a Congressional Quarterly and Dow Lohnes-sponsored forum.