promotion :

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pruh moh shuhn

  • n  a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution
  • n  act of raising in rank or position
  • n  encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something
  • n  the advancement of some enterprise

  • As two investigations of the alleged massacre in Iraq drag on, questions are raised over the promotion of a Marine who is a focus of the probe.
  • The promotion goes into effect for purchases starting on Monday, September 14.
  • The viral effect of the promotion will surely help it fare better than a similar American Airlines deal in the 1980s and a $1,650-per-month Air Canada pass that came out in 2007.
News & Articles


  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Boston Globe
    But in a stinging dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said while the white firefighters "understandably attract this court's sympathy . . . they had no vested right to promotion" and are not victims of discrimination because no one was promoted...
  • Pope Benedict XVI in Forbes
    Speaking in Portuguese, Benedict said he's certain that the bishops will reinforce "the promotion of respect for life from the moment of conception until natural death as an integral requirement of human nature."
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton in International Herald Tribune
    Asked to respond to the criticism, Clinton said "the promotion of human rights is an essential aspect of our global foreign policy," noting in particular the issues of Tibet, religious freedom and freedom of expression.

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