eradication :

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i ra duh kay shuhn

  • n  the complete destruction of every trace of something

  • Coca eradication is the linchpin of Washington's antidrug strategy.
  • The polio eradication campaign has made remarkable strides in Nigeria.
  • A NATO ad campaign expressing sympathy for local poppy growers sparks a furor among those leading Afghanistan's drug-eradication program.

  • Anthony Kennedy in
    In the majority decision delivered by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court said, "The goal of avoiding governmental endorsement does not require eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm. A cross by the side of a public highway marking,...
  • Richard Gere in Guardian Unlimited
    I would hope that the media could now end the circus around this episode and dedicate its positive resources and expertise to the eradication of HIV/AIDS and other preventable diseases,Gere said. "That's what's really important here."
  • Nancy Brinker in FOX News
    It wasn't going to be enough to raise money from some very wealthy people, we needed to change the culture,said Brinker, who herself was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1984. "We needed to approach this as an eradication of an entire...

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