endometriosis :

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en doh me tree oh sis

  • n  the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus; causes premenstrual pain and dysmenorrhea

  • And for most cases of endometriosis, Parker says, women can be treated with medication or laparoscopic procedures.
  • It was rough there for a while--infertility, a crippling case of endometriosis, the collapse of her nine-year marriage, and four years of single parenting while building a career .
  • ENDOMETRIOSIS NEWS More than 10 million American women have endometriosis, a condition that's not only painful but is also linked to infertility.
News & Articles


  • Camran Nezhat in Benzinga
    Not only can minimally invasive surgical treatment relieve the pain that patients with endometriosis experience, but in a majority of cases pregnancy can be achieved once the condition is brought under control,said Dr. Nezhat.
  • Padma Lakshmi in PR Newswire (press release)
    Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of infertility in women and a disease that is far too often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed,comments Lakshmi. "Once detected, it is a disease which is fully treatable and manageable. Because of the...

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