electricity :

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i lektri suh tee

  • n  a physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons
  • n  energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor
    they built a car that runs on electricity
  • n  keen and shared excitement
    the stage crackled with electricity whenever she was on it

  • A new study finds that we have the technology and wind power to supply more than 40 times the planet's current levels of electricity consumption.
  • As Europe's electricity industry deregulates, German firms prove the most switched on.
  • When electricity runs through the filament, the bulb glows.
News & Articles


  • Robert Byrd in Salon
    Byrd's foster father was a miner who frequently changed jobs, and Byrd recalled that the family's house was "without electricity, ...... no running water, no telephone, a little wooden outhouse."
  • Matan Vilnai in FOXNews
    We want to stop supplying electricity to them, stop supplying them with water and medicine, so that it would come from another place,Vilnai said.
  • President Bush in Atlanta Journal Constitution
    One of the key things that needs to happen is that they've got to get electricity up here in Louisiana,Bush said. "There'sa lot of folks from the states that are working hard to restring the lines."

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