convenience :

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kuhn veen yuhns

  • n  the state of being suitable or opportune
    chairs arranged for his own convenience
  • n  the quality of being useful and convenient
    they offered the convenience of an installment plan
  • n  a toilet that is available to the public
  • n  a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

  • The nicest convenience is the, uh, extra-remote remote control.
  • A ludicrous combination of gossip, political intrigue and extreme weather reports, it's still put together mostly by the guy who started out as a convenience-store clerk.
  • In the past three decades, the number of convenience stores in Japan has exploded.
News & Articles

  • Convenience store robbed at gunpoint on Far East Side
    A convenience store on Madison's Far East Side was robbed at gunpoint Tuesday night.
    June 12, 2013 - Wisconsin State Journal
  • Armed man robs convenience store
    Madison police are looking for an armed robber after an east side convenience store was held up Tuesday. Police were called to the PDQ Food Store at 4402 E. Buckeye Rd. at 11:58 p.m. for a report of a robbery. The robber displayed an older-model revolver-style handgun and demanded money from the clerk, according to police. The man fled the store with an undisclosed amount of money. The robber is ...
    June 12, 2013 - WISC-TV Madison
  • New IRI Report Examines the Convenience Store Channel
    The convenience store channel has long been a destination for immediate consumption purchases. However, the channel is undergoing a bit of a metamorphosis these days. Competition is heating up as convenience stores are pitted against other channels, particularly dollar and drug channels, for share of spending.
    June 11, 2013 - Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance

  • Martin Luther King in Abilene Reporter-News
    He said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moment of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
  • Kent Desormeaux in Hartford Courant
    It was a slow pace for him,Desormeaux said. "I thought the perfect scenario for me was to get outside and engage Da' Tara at my convenience. When I got outside, going into the first turn, I said, 'This is it. The race is over. I got it.'"
  • Mitt Romney in Washington Post
    Americans do not respect believers of convenience,Romney said. "Americans tire of those who would jettison their beliefs, even to gain the world."

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